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Busy, Busy, Busy!

I know I've skipped a few blog posts, but, as a pregnant mom of two under three, I'm really, really busy! And I feel spread thin some days, and other days I feel like I've got it under control. I'm a wife, and a mom, a teacher at my church, a bus captain for our church's bus ministry, I garden, cook from scratch and can homemade goodness, I bake sourdough, I am on a mission to organize the entirety of my home in preparation for the new baby and I also have to focus on my online income streams as well. I have four income streams online currently: my website, Poshmark, Facebook and Amazon reviews. It's definitely a balancing act I'm on!

But I never want any of this to take away from my kids. I never want them to feel neglected or feel like other things are more important than they are. So, if something has to be put on pause, such as my blog for a few weeks, in order for me to fulfill my duties and be a good mom, then that's what I'll do. My family always comes first!

Us, this past Sunday:

Being organized has helped me tremendously with this balancing act I'm on: a good planner, a calendar on the fridge, and various charts and lists help to keep me sane. I have been going through absolutely everything in the house lately trying to clean out, refresh and organize one room at a time. I've already accomplished the homeschool room/dining room, labeling all my shelves of canned goods, cleaning out and organizing the cabinets completely and knowing exactly what I have in each and every spot. It's a good feeling whenever I walk into that room now.

Next, we cleaned out and organized Zach's closet. I bought bins we labeled and sorted through all of his clothes. We put up a shoe rack and a hat rack and now everything has a place. Next on the list is the coffee bar in the kitchen, the cabinets in the laundry room, my closet and then the girls closet too. Whenever I start to feel claustrophobic in my own home, it's time for some serious decluttering. And yes, I'm getting rid of things I really do like and would love to keep, but if it's making me feel crazy, and taking up more time to clean and such, taking away more time from my family, then it needs to go. I'd rather have a peaceful mind and be content with the state of my home, and spend more quality time with my family, than to have more useless stuff just because I like it. It's completely unnecessary.

A drawer in my art cabinet in the homeschool room:

Plus, if I'm going to have eight kids, which is the goal then I will need to be extremely organized just to keep my sanity and run this household smoothly. For me, writing things down the old-fashioned way, has been super helpful! I used to keep a bunch of things "written" down on my notes on my phone, but one day the entire everything in there completely disappeared, erased and never came back and I literally could have cried!

I had my canning list, links, recipes, my checked hashtags for my social media, captions for so, so many posts, and so much more. So, back to writing it all down it is. Thankfully, I have found the BEST planner this year that I've had yet. It's a homesteader's planner, that has extra space for brain dumps, project lists, sourdough chart, a recipe log, a canning log, sourdough tips and tricks, dehydration log, fermentation log, graphs for planning your garden, planting log, seed collection log, harvest log, companion planting tips, crop rotation chart, feed inventory log, egg tally log, breeding log, animal health records chart, and extra space for whatever else you might need. It also has a space to budget for each month, and has a monthly overview plus a weekly overview with time slots to fill in specifics for each and every day. So, as a homemaker, homesteader (wannabe, we're getting there), this is perfect. And, no, I don't have any code for it, I'm not in any way getting compensated for saying this, it's just my personal opinion on it that I'm sharing because it's been helpful for me. It's from Jill Winger at

So, all of that to say, I will try to update my blog fairly often, but it definitely won't be weekly like I started out doing. It really just depends, sometimes I have a lot to say and sometimes I get too busy to say anything. But it's my blog, so I can do what I want with it, right? If you want to keep up with what I'm doing, check out my YouTube channel, the Weber Home, because I'm much more active on there. I'm planning to do several more canning tutorials on there since that seems to be popular right now and I do it every week!

My home canned goods cabinet:

Or you can follow me on Instagram, @the_weber_home, which should be linked on my websites main page. I post most of my reels and stories through there. So, ta-ta for now, go spend some quality time with your family, and remember not to care what others think. You have to do what works for you!

Until next time!

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