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Welcome Friends!

So, I realized after I wrote my previous blog pot, that not all of you who happen across my website will know me and what I do. Therefore, an introduction post is in order!

If you're new here, hello! My name is Cherish Weber. I am a full-time wife, mom and homemaker. I married my hardworking man back in 2020, after only knowing each other for 9 months. But that story is for another time because it's an entire blog post in itself! Once we got married, I moved from Northwest Indiana, down to Central Georgia, just east of Atlanta, which is where we call home. I can't say I love it here, but most days it's not so bad. Georgia definitely has its perks, but also a lot of critters that I am not used to and don't like!

Pictured: Zach and I, back in 2020 when we were dating.

For the first 2.5 years of our marriage, we lived with my in-laws, which had its challenges, but was overall such a blessing. My in-laws have been so good to me! Which the Lord knew that I needed, since my family is a mess. But we won't get into all that.

In 2021 I had my first baby, Autumn Rose. She's extremely independent, incredibly smart and ridiculously stubborn! I love her to pieces! She loves reading, and helping mommy cook and clean at home. She definitely has a servant's heart and enjoys helping out wherever she can. As a 2-year-old, she can count to 10, sing her ABC's, "Jesus Loves Me", "Happy Birthday", and "When the Saints Go Marching In" and I am so proud of her!

My Sweet Autumn Rose:

My second baby girl, April Brooke, came in 2023, and they're 18 months apart. She is a fiery redhead and will screech as loud as she can to make sure she's heard, but usually is very calm and extremely smiley! I can wake her up in the middle of the night and she'd just look at me and grin. Such a happy, bubbly, joyous spirit inside if her. She is definitely a mommy's girl so far and believes she should be attached to my hip at all times! I adore her so much!

And now we have baby #3 on the way. Spaced exactly the same as the first two are, 18 months apart. I'm super excited to be welcoming another precious bundle of joy into our family come October 2024!

I want ALL the babies. Literally all of them. When Zach and I were dating we agreed on at least 8, although as an only child with no experience in taking care of children, he had no clue what he had gotten himself into! But we will trust the Lord to give what He wills, and to provide for them as well!

As a mom, I'm very busy all the time, but I enjoy it. This is what I've always wanted to be. I never was career minded, even though I tossed around the idea of some careers as a teen, it just never stuck with me. My mom was a stay-at-home mom, and I saw the benefits of it, and Zach and I decided it was the best path for us. I'm not hating on anyone who doesn't stay home with their kids, obviously different circumstances call for different alternatives. But I do think any lady who has the ability to stay home with her kids, should. I'm sure the haters gonna hate on that in the comments, but good luck changing my mind.

As a homemaker, I obviously care for the home. That includes cooking and cleaning and all the housewife tasks. But, I also like to take it to another level- a level of simplicity like the olden days. Gardening, Sourdough, Cooking and Baking from scratch, Canning and such are done daily here, and I wouldn't have it any other way! I love learning new skills! Such as dehydrating and preserving my own herbs, making my own candles, etc. Next on my list of things to learn to make is homemade soap, and quilting, which I have been ever so slowly working on. I'm just a granny at heart!

Our lives here are centered around the home- literally. Homemaking, Homesteading, Homeschooling, Home birthing, Homemade income- That's what we do here, and that's why I created my brand as "The Weber Home" so that it can cover all aspects of it. Some people will tell me I need to "niche down" but I don't feel the need to. It's my life I'm sharing, and to be realistic, I don't need to show just one front of it. So, if you're new here, welcome! Please make sure you subscribe to my email list and follow along on our adventures here at The Weber Home! We would love to have you along for the ride! That's all for now, until next time!

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