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Why I Started Digital Marketing

If you've known me for any length of time, then you know that I have been in several different MLM's. I did Younique makeup, twice, NuSkin products and then finally Young Living, each time for a solid year. But what I found each time was that it just didn't add up.

Let me explain what I mean: with most MLM's, you have to place a monthly order to be "commission qualified" and so you're essentially investing your paycheck right back into the company each month. Now, before all the haters come for me, just know that I don't HATE MLM's, but I'm not a huge fan either. Obviously, they work for some people. But I think it mostly has to do with the timing of when you join the company, whether or not you can make it big time.

I had so much makeup leftover from my Younique days, that I'm literally still using it, and I gave a bunch to one of the teenage girls at my church. Because I had to buy a bunch, and they hype everything up so much that you don't even think it's an issue, because you feel the hype and want to buy it. I will have enough Young Living Oils to last me literal years, because I had to spend a certain amount each month to earn my paycheck. Sounds a little fishy, doesn't it? I don't hate these companies, by any means. It's just the system that they chose to set up their products with, and they do have good products I will say. But, for the little guy at the bottom of the tier trying to make it and just lining their upline's pockets, it's extremely unfair.

What got me to finally say enough, was when we looked into doing our taxes this year. I was a Young Living brand partner for over a year, and during that year, I purchased every month like I was required to, I bought sample bottles from amazon, I held in person events, etc. and at the end of the year we added it all up, and I had spent a total of $4,000 on Young Living that year. I about had a heart attack when the tax forms came in saying I had made $1,500. I quit right then and there, which made me extremely sad because I LOVED the community part of it and the friends I made. It was a mistake though, because I had won a bunch of prize oils and products for selling, and with the total of all of that included in my earnings, I had supposedly made $3,000. But even then, I still came up short. And I had worked my butt off to get there. I walked around town going to local businesses trying to set up a booth or shelf there, I had posted consistently, talked to people consistently, I had even enrolled 4 brand partners under me. I mean I really, really tried. But I still came up short. This was not what I was looking for. I needed something that would work for me, not me spinning my wheels like crazy working for someone else.

So, I decided to be creative and do my own thing. I created this website that you're reading this blog from and created some of my own digital products. I had seen some posts about doing that, on social media, but I didn't quite know how to go about doing it, so I just tried.

I dove in, headfirst. I created this website, I wrote an e-book, I designed a few coloring pages and a coloring book, and started selling them. And then I found this lady on Instagram who was selling this course that explained exactly what digital marketing was and how to get into it, and how to be successful in it- plus, it came with master resell rights so you could resell it and earn from it. It was full of information, such as training the algorithm, using proper hashtags, how often to post, how to create a captivating hook and call to action, etc. and I got it. Within a month I had already resold it, and a lot of my digital products too, and had made more than I did in a year with any of the MLM's I had been in. I was shocked, and so was my husband. I ended up taking a bit of a break due to the pregnancy and morning sickness I was dealing with; plus, the two cross country trips we took for unexpected passing of family members. But even in that time, I sold a few of my digital products with ZERO effort on my part.

Digital marketing is great! You can create a digital product for $0, just some time invested, and sell it over and over again as many times as you will, to make a profit. The concept is amazing! My content online is getting noticed more and more, and I'm learning more and more each and every day about how to grow and do better with it. So, if you are like me, and struggling to find that thing that will work for you, or just burnt out on MLM's, go into digital marketing! It's so much better, so much less effort, and so much more money. I'm always open for questions, and if you want more information, go to my products page here on my website and check out my free information pamphlet I have. I can help you get set up to start selling today, so you can be your own boss!

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